Best Practices

Monolith vs. Microservice

In the last years Microservices gained a lot of attention in the IT. You can get the impression, that Microservices are the new silver bullet. “We can have a Microservice for that”, “Let’s do this with Microservices” or “That system would have been better, if we had implemented it with Microservices” are phrases I hear […]


The Blackboard Pattern

You can find a lot of descriptions of the common patterns like MVC, strategy, factory, adapter etc. on the internet. The blackboard pattern is one of the not so common patterns. This is why I want to take a closer look on it. It can be categorized as a behavioral pattern. The blackboard pattern describes […]

Best Practices

Decoupling of clients and services through versioning

Working with services and all that scaffolding tools is very convenient. You can setup a new WebApi within minutes. Define your data classes and let EntityFramwork take care of all the ugly stuff, you don’t want to deal with. That’s fun and works pretty well, as long as you have full control over your data […]

Hello World

Hello world!

Everything in the IT starts with a Hello World program. So, here’s my “Hello World” post from my new blog… 🙂