A comprehensive list of modeling tools:
Structurizr is my favorite modeling tool for light-weight, high level architecture diagrams.
Diagrams are defined in a C4-model only, which is a kind of json-style notation. In C4 you’re defining persons, systems, container and components. C4 also defines four diagram types: context, container and component and code diagrams.
For example, the following C4 code:
workspace {
model {
user = person "Customer"
"A customer of my software system."
softwareSystem = softwareSystem "MNBT"
"My next big thing."
user -> softwareSystem "Uses"
views {
systemContext softwareSystem "SystemContext" {
include *
styles {
element "Software System" {
background #1168bd
color #ffffff
element "Person" {
shape person
background #08427b
color #ffffff
C4will be rendered into the following diagram:

Link: Structurizr
Visual Paradigm Online
The next tool in my list of all time favorites is Visual Paradigm Online. They have an offline tool as well, which has a lot more features but is also complicated to use.
Link: Visual Paradigm Online
Drawing diagrams with draw.io is fun, as it comes with a rich set of predefined icons and shapes.
Link: draw.io
Link: miro.com